The John Shinnick California 58 County Pledge

1. Del Norte 5-12-11
2. Siskiyou 4-26-11
3. Modoc 4-27-11
4. Humboldt 12-26-09
5. Trinity 4-25-11
6. Shasta 4-25-11
7. Lassen 4-27-11
8. Tehama 4-25-11
9. Plumas 4-27-11
10. Mendocino 11-29-09
11. Glenn 12-14-17
12. Butte 4-28-11
13. Lake 10-21-10
14. Colusa 12-14-17
15. Sutter 12-14-17
16. Yuba 12-14-17
17. Sierra 12-17-11
18. Nevada 12-17-11
19. Placer 9-30-10
20. Sonoma 4-5-10
21. Napa 8-20-10
22. Yolo 2-28-18
23. Sacramento 6-6-13
24. El Dorado 10-12-16
25. Amador
26. Alpine 8-31-10
27. Marin 3-6-10
28. Solano 2-28-18
29. Contra Costa 5-16-10
30. San Joaquin 3-1-18
31. Calaveras 10-12-16
32. Tuolumne 9-27-16
33. Mono 9-28-16
34. San Francisco 11-17-09
35. San Mateo 3-3-18
36. Alameda 10-23-10
37. Santa Cruz 6-20-10
38. Santa Clara 10-22-10
39. Stanislaus 3-1-18
40. Merced 3-1-18
41. Mariposa 10-27-10
42. Madera 10-13-16
43. Monterey 11-9-16
44. San Benito 11-9-16
45. Fresno 11-16-10
46. Kings 11-16-10
47. Tulare 11-17-10
48. Inyo 11-18-10
49. San Luis Obispo 11-10-11
50. Kern 11-16-10
51. Santa Barbara 11-10-11
52. Ventura 4-18-10
53. Los Angeles 4-16-10
54. San Bernardino 6-28-10
55. Orange 4-18-10
56. Riverside 4-14-10
57.San Diego 4-15-10
58. Imperial 4-14-10
Back in 2009, I was in the midst of my 50 State Pledge and realized that I would have some down-time between trips, so I decided to make shorter trips to each of California's 58 Counties. I was off to a good start when my old website went down and with it my motivation. That's why there's a long gap before picking things back up in September, 2016.
Counties are green if I visited them before 2016, Yellow if after. The date I visited is next to the name. Each group of names will have a button to get to their photos with what I did. As with the 50 State Pledge, entries can't be something I saw or did PRIOR to starting the project, which made some of the places harder to do. I finished on my 67th birthday, March 3, 2018.
Note: You may have seen asterisks by Mono and Tuolumne counties (33 and 32 respectively.) These were finally revisited in September, 2016. NO MORE ASTERISKS! Counties in yellow are those seen after resuming the quest in 2016.